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"...inside is a most beautiful piece of heaven."

What is this "Mary's Homes of Hope" (MHOH) anyway? It is a home which the Lord Himself brought about through the generosity of many: benefactors, donors, hard work, and much prayer. It's a miracle, really. In a nutshell, it is a place which allows for the healing of the mind, body, soul, and spirit. Women, whom the Lord leads to MHOH can, at last, be safe and breathe again in God's love. Eventually they will receive enough healing to venture out into the world again to make a difference in God's kingdom.

It would be fair to say that MHOH's end game is about soul-care and salvation. One would never know by looking at the home from the outside, but on the inside is a most beautiful piece of heaven. For what once was a multi-car garage is now a most elegant chapel where MHOH residents and others may come to pray and worship. In technical terms it is called an oratory, which also has a tabernacle with the Blessed Sacrament. Mass is celebrated at MHOH twice a month, on the second and fourth Saturdays. Even Archbishop Aquila celebrated Mass and blessed MHOH for the glory of God in July 2019. What a gift!

Just to list a few of the other life-giving ministries which takes place at MHOH: Mass, Adoration, "Days of Reflection," Faith classes, bible studies, and many devotions, and rosary prayers.

Lynn Reid, OFS - From Rebellious to Religious


It begins with a divine calling upon the heart of sister Lynn Reid, OFS. Little did she know that one day she would have an encounter with the Creator of the universe. Little did she know that she would be invited by God to join Him in what He was doing in the world.

Lynn grew up in a God-less home. Spiritual life was nonexistent. Lynn, like so many saints, lived her life in the world. Her soul searching for the peace and love of God, but she was unware. The Lord gently and patiently worked on Lynn's heart for many years.

Lynn was virtually raised by her paternal grandmother, Maria, on weekends. This grandmother, this Maria, was much like Jesus' mother, Mary, who was silent, but prayed much. Lynn got her first taste of church with her grandmother Maria.

When Lynn's mother passed away, Lynn took over much of the care of her maternal grandmother, Mimi. The two became close, but much conflict in their relationship. Grandmother Mimi spoke to Lynn and shared that there was something that was missing in their lives. They looked at each other and exclaimed, "God!" They took the step of faith and began attending church, Saints Peter and Paul in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. It was here that Lynn took interest in the RCIA classes, a class for those interested in exploring the Catholic faith.

Lynn and grandmother Mimi entered RCIA classes together, attended every single one of them, and entered the church together; April 11, 1998. Grandmother Mimi was in her 90s. It's never too late!

The February before Easter vigil, Lynn was asked to pray an hour of adoration. As is the habit of Lynn, she said, "Yes!"

"What do I do?" she asked.

In adoration, Lynn picked up a bible and began reading. The Lord struck her heart with Luke 12:28, which speaks of to whom much is given, much is expected or required. Lynn knew that what has been given to her was her very life. God had given her life back! For that she was eternally grateful and prayed to God. "I give my life back to You, Lord."

One thing led to another and from one priest to another. The Lord's hand in Lynn's life was evident. Lynn would be taken into the desert by the Lord to suffer and bear the brokenness and wounds of young mothers and unborn babies. Lynn describes the image of her being on His shoulders as He carried His cross to His death. In the same way, Lynn carries the wounds and sufferings of the women whom the Lord sends.  She carries them to the cross, to the altar, all for the purpose of salvation of souls.

Mission Keeper, Lynn Reid, OFS, works very hard, with the Lord, in having this place as a safe haven; a sanctuary, a place where these desperately hurting women and their kids can find peace, comfort, and healing; a place where faith, hope, and love abide and flourish.​

Lynn may also provide some practical help to the women by helping them learn time and budget management, parenting skills, job interviewing skills, and strategies for discovering other kinds of assistance.

© 2025 Mary's Homes of Hope

A non-profit 501c3 mission outreach

Lynn Reid, OFS - Director     

Phone: (303) 424-9007

7464 Queen Circle

Arvada, CO 80005


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