A Franciscan Ministry
Prayers for strength and courage
Prayer For Strength and Courage
Life seems full of stresses Lord
My busy home, my harried work
Sometimes I fear for myself
Torn between one tension and another
I lose my nerve and feel the need to get away
Enfold me Lord
Shield me from the frailty of my spirit
Protect me from my own powerless will
Free me from all anxieties and doubts
Give me the vigor to push on
And continue with the mission
You have chosen me to task
Help me remember Lord
That You are there beside me
And if I fall at times
Be there to carry me.
Bible Inspiration:
Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who marches before you; he will be with you and will never fail you..
Saint Christopher
Grant, O God, during this difficult time in my life, that I may show forth by my life whose disciple I am; that I may be ever directed by your light, and strengthened by your grace, to walk courageously in the way of your commandments, and to serve you with a clean heart, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
King of Creation and Mighty Lord of my Life,
You are my rock and my fortress. I will put my confidence in you.
I come to you today positioning myself to hear you and obey you.
Thank you, Lord, for bringing me new boldness and courage.
You have provided miraculous steps for me this day.
I will take one remarkable step of faith after another
My mind will be calm with no confusion able to enter it.
Worry and fear will flee from me.
Thank you that you are giving me great power to do great things this day.
The only thing I cannot do is live without you.