A Franciscan Ministry
Prayers for those who are discouraged

My Jesus, relieve me of my discouragement.
My devotion has vanished; spiritual thoughts no longer soothe my troubled soul. Even the remembrances of Your passion and of Your Blessed Mother grow dim before my vision.
O Jesus, do not forsake me. Help me, help me! I am resolved not to omit a single one of my devotions.
Hear me, O my God, strengthen and increase my faith. Keep me from yielding to temptation.
You said, “My yoke is sweet; my burden is light.” Have mercy on me, for wheresoever I turn I see only obstacles and difficulties. Were my faith strong I would accept my trials; but alas, I feel only impatience, doubt and discouragement. My soul, hold fast to Jesus.
How faint-hearted and childish I am! All my comfort, all my joy must come from You.
Bring me closer to You when temptations assail me.
Help me not to fail. O Lord, my God, I cast myself entirely into Your Hands.
Worn out by the struggle, I will rest beneath Your cross; pray for me in my desolation of soul. Jesus, be merciful to me.
Saint John Neumann (1811-1860)
St. Therese of Lisieux
It’s speculated that, beyond intense fears and sensitive nature, St. Therese also suffered from OCD and depression.
Prayer for Strength to Cope with Challenges
God my Advocate, please come alongside me with Your encouragement and strength as I cope with these daunting challenges. I’m feeling overwhelmed, but You are the restorer of my soul. I stand in faith that even though I sow in tears, I will reap with songs of joy. I praise You and thank You that blessing and prosperity will be mine when I fear You and walk in Your ways. Amen.
Prayer for Encouragement of God’s Love and Truth
Lord of Hope, please encourage me with Your love and truth. I ask that You lift me out of despair and worry. In these dark times, please counsel and guide me with Your Word. Help me to rise above my circumstances and place my confidence in Your goodness and compassion. Holy Spirit, remind me that I can do all things through You, for You are my strength and my song. Amen.
Prayer for Encouragement When Experiencing a Trial
God my Support, I confess that this fiery trial took me by surprise, and I almost lost my footing. Jesus, please rally to my side as I remember that I share in Your sufferings and will ultimately be overjoyed by the revelation of Your glory. Holy Spirit, please remind me that this trial is producing endurance in me, which is developing my character and building up my hope. How blessed I am to have You with me in the fire. Amen.

Prayer for God’s Grace in Weakness
God my Confidence, You know that I’m going through a time of weakness right now, and I’m not able to accomplish what I would like to do. Lord, I pray for Your grace, for I know it will be sufficient. I pray for Your power to rest on me and be perfected in my weakness. For Your sake, I delight in my own lack of strength, I delight in hardship and difficulty, for when I am weak in and of myself, I am strong in You. Amen.